Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Beijing Bicycle

The movie Beijing Bicycle is directed by Xiaoshuai Wang,who is one of the premier siXth generation filmmakers originating from mainland China. The story depicts two individuals, coming from different areas and socio-economic settings, fusing into a movie where they base their lives and personalities around bicycles.

The movie depicts bicycles as sort of a commodity that everyone cherishes. It is sort of a social status marker,just as a Coach bag would be represented in American culture. The movie sets bicycles as something to be worked for, just as how Guei had inherited the bicycle from working long hours as a courier,and Jian always begging his father for a bicycle. Also, in this movie, it really shows how bicycles are abundant within China's culture, and it is ever so expanding, where you one sees more bicycle than cars on Chinese roads.

The plot of the story circles around the two very different socioeconomic backgrounds that the two main characters come from. First, Guei, comes from the rural side of China, where when he lands, he is subjected to a huge economic disadvantage, and people somewhat shun him. In addition, Jian comes from an affluent background compared to Guei. Jian comes from a family, who are wealthy, and he still lingers and bugs his father for a bike, even with all the advantages he has.

I feel that through the plot depicts how rich people,such as Jian,forget the small people,such as Guei. Affluent people are so caught up into themselves,and their consumer nature,where they forget about the little people. Furthermore, this depicts how the battle between the rich and poor is never ending-- it's because of these huge socioeconomic disparities that are intertwined within society. For instance, in Yellow Earth, the overbearing plot was rich(ccp) vs poor( rural). Therefore, I feel that this movie has a lot to present these problems to the viewer.


  1. I don not think that Jian belonged to a wealthy family. It is easy to notice that the reason he was not able to get a bicycle until now is because is dad was saving for it. In the end, his sister got into a good school and the money saved was going to be relocated to pay for her school. Jian came from a good family, though. His father, knowing Jian's desire for a bike and hi promise, apologizes to Jian when he realizes he cannot fulfill it.
    I agree, however, that Jian is probably caught in a materialist world in which the bicycle becomes the most important object of his desire. He selfishly gets what he wants by stealing the money that was "originally meant for him." He does not analyze the situation and change of circumstances that caused the shift of his parents’ priority.
    His reaction may also be caused by the single child policy at that time. Since all his friends are only child, they were provided with the best of everything and given all they wanted and needed. Jian, however, has a little stepsister and his family does not have the liberty to spend money as they wish because they have more responsibilities. Jian compares himself and his family to the other kids and feel that the only way to be in the same level as his friends was through having a bicycle.

  2. I do not think that Jian wants the bike just to fit in with society and his pursuit of a girl. Even though I do not approve of his stealing money from his family, I think his actions are understandable. To have his dreams and promises broken over and over again must have pushed him over the edge. He should have gotten the bike when he placed within the top 5 of his class, yet even when he placed within top 5 of his school, he still did not get his promise fulfilled. The bike isn't just about social status, but rather a symbol of accomplishment and his endeavors. It symbolizes an encouragement that he was never able to get from his family, causing him to steal money from the family in a fit of rage.

  3. You're are right when you say that it shows how the rich people forget about the little people easily. Throughout the film, Guei was constantly overlooked and mistreated. Even though, Jian does not come from a particularly rich family, he would look down on Guei because he is poor and from the countryside.


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